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Contact Us

ESPCMS is a professional enterprise web site management software, it has: completely open source (PHP + MySQL), generating static page, release the model for Jane numerous conversion, member, order, messages, form and so on, enough to make your website to fully meet the need of the Internet.

Changxing Yi Fang Textile Co., Ltd.

Address: Zhejiang province Changxing County Chinese Meishan Town Industrial Development Zone (factory)

Zhejiang Province, Changxing County City Lake China Central Mansion 8 Room 1009 (Office)

Telephone (TEL):+86-137 35185555 (Mr. Xu)

+86-151 67227696 (Mr. Lee)

+86-186 57271101 (Miss Zhang)

Fax (Fax):+86-572-6039738

Website (WEB):http://www.cxyifangtextile.com/


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